% Clear the workspace
close all;

% Randomly seed the random number generation

% Here we call some default settings for setting up Psychtoolbox

%                   Physical set-up variables

% Assumed viewing distance
distanceCm = 60;

% Radius of the sphere
sphereRadius = 5;

% Number of slices that we wil use on our sphere (higher gives a smoother
% surface)
numSlices = 1000;

% Our sphere will oscilate with a sine wave function around the X Y ans Z
% axes

% Amplitude of ossilation
amplitude = 360;

% Frequency in each dimension (these are just a few random numbers to make
% the simulation look nice)
frequencyX = 0.03;
frequencyY = 0.04;
frequencyZ = 0.035;

% Angular frequency
angFreqX = 2 * pi * frequencyX;
angFreqY = 2 * pi * frequencyY;
angFreqZ = 2 * pi * frequencyZ;

% Starting phase
startPhaseX = rand * 360;
startPhaseY = rand * 360;
startPhaseZ = rand * 360;

% Zero time
time = 0;

%                   Screen initialisation

% Make sure that the computer is running the OpenGL psych toolbox

% Setup Psychtoolbox for OpenGL 3D rendering support and initialize the
% mogl OpenGL for Matlab wrapper

% Number of samples per pixel for multisampling
multiSample = 4;

% Find the screen to use for display
screenid = max(Screen('Screens'));

% Set the black and white index
black = BlackIndex(screenid);

% Start the PsychImaging Configuration
PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'FloatingPoint32Bit');

% Open an on screen window using PsychImaging to optimise drawing
[window, winRect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenid, black,...
    [], 32, 2, [], multiSample);

% Set to maximum priority
topPriorityLevel = MaxPriority(window);

% Get the width and height of the window in pixels
[screenXpix, screenYpix] = Screen('WindowSize', window);

% Reported dimensions of the screen in cm
[widthMm, heightMm] = Screen('DisplaySize', screenid);
screenWidth = widthMm / 10;
screenHeight = heightMm / 10;

% Measure the vertical refresh rate of the monitor
ifi = Screen('GetFlipInterval', window);

% Fill the screen black
Screen('FillRect', window, black);
Screen('Flip', window);

%                       Timing information

% Number of frames to wait before drawing again
waitframes = 1;

%                   Make a checkerboard texture

% Make a colored checkerboard texture
checkerNum = 10;
scaleFactor = 100;
colorChecker = imresize(rand(checkerNum, checkerNum, 3), scaleFactor, 'nearest');

% Convert to a texture for PTB drawing (orientation needs changing for
% rendering)
imageFlipped = rot90(flipud(colorChecker));
planeTexture = Screen('MakeTexture', window, imageFlipped, [], 1, 2);

% Get the information we need about the texture
[imw, imh] = Screen('WindowSize', planeTexture);
[texNameFront, targetFront, tuFront, tvFront] = Screen('GetOpenGLTexture', window, planeTexture, imh, imw);

% Bind our texture and setup filtering to allow nice presentation of our
% texture
glBindTexture(targetFront, texNameFront);
glTexParameterf(targetFront, GL.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL.LINEAR);

% Allow the texture and lighting to interact

% This gives nice texture rendering without artifacts
maxAnisotropy = glGetFloatv(GL.MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT);
glTexParameterf(targetFront, GL.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, maxAnisotropy);

% Clamping behaviour shall be a cyclic repeat:
glTexParameteri(targetFront, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.REPEAT);
glTexParameteri(targetFront, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.REPEAT);

%                       OpenGL Setup

% Setup the OpenGL rendering context of the onscreen window for use by
% OpenGL wrapper
Screen('BeginOpenGL', window);

% Set background color to 'black'
glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);

% Enable depth buffer

%                 We will use perspective projection

% Near and far clipping planes (these difine the rendering volume, anything
% outside of these is not rendered)
clipNear = 0.1;
clipFar = 100;

% Angular subtense of the screen
angle = 2 * atand((screenHeight / 2) / distanceCm);

% Aspect ratio of the screen
aspectRatio = screenWidth / screenHeight;

% Lets set up a projection matrix, the projection matrix defines how images
% in our 3D simulated scene are projected to the images on our 2D monitor
gluPerspective(angle, aspectRatio, clipNear, clipFar);

% Setup modelview matrix: This defines the position, orientation and
% direction of the virtual camera that will  look at our scene with

% Location of the camera
cam = [0 0 0];

% Set our camera to be looking directly down the -Z axis (depth) of our
% coordinate system
fix = [0 0 -1];

% Define "up"
up = [0 1 0];

% Here we set up the attributes of our camera using the variables we have
% defined in the last three lines of code
gluLookAt(cam(1), cam(2), cam(3), fix(1), fix(2), fix(3), up(1), up(2), up(3));

%               Setup the lighting for the environment

% Enable OpenGL Lighting

% Force there to be no ambient light (OpenGL default is for there to be
% some)
glLightModelfv(GL.LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, [0 0 0 1]);

% Define a local light source

% Defuse light only
glLightfv(GL.LIGHT0, GL.DIFFUSE, [1 1 1 1]);

% Point the light at the origin (this is where we will place our sphere)
glLightfv(GL.LIGHT0, GL.SPOT_DIRECTION, [0 0 -distanceCm]);

% Allow normalisation

%                     Create a Qudratic sphere

% Enable and bind the texture
glBindTexture(targetFront, texNameFront);

% Make a sphere as a quadratic object and automatically generate texture
% coordinates
theSphere = gluNewQuadric;
gluQuadricTexture(theSphere, GL.TRUE);

% End the open GL wrapper for now
Screen('EndOpenGL', window);

%                       Keyboard information

% Unify the keyboard names for mac and windows computers

% Define the keyboard keys that are listened for
escapeKey = KbName('ESCAPE');

%                           Drawing Loop

% Get a vbl for the start time
vbl = Screen('Flip', window);
startTimeFix = vbl;

while ~KbCheck

    % Orientation of the square on this frame
    angleX = amplitude * sin(angFreqX * time + startPhaseX);
    angleY = amplitude * sin(angFreqY * time + startPhaseY);
    angleZ = amplitude * sin(angFreqZ * time + startPhaseZ);

    % Begin open GL
    Screen('BeginOpenGL', window);

    % Clear the buffers

    % Push and pop are needed to avoid accumulations of transforms

    % Rotate and then translate the surface (these commands need to be
    % issued in the opposite way in which you want them applied by OpenGL)
    glTranslatef(0, 0, -distanceCm);
    glRotatef(angleX, 1, 0, 0);
    glRotatef(angleY, 0, 1, 0);
    glRotatef(angleZ, 0, 0, 1);

    % Call the display list i.e. show our textured plan
    gluSphere(theSphere, sphereRadius, numSlices, numSlices);

    % Ditch the matrix transforms

    % End the open GL context
    Screen('EndOpenGL', window);

    % Flip to the screen
    vbl = Screen('Flip', window, vbl + (waitframes - 0.5) * ifi);

    % Increment time
    time = time + ifi;


% Close the screen